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The skin, which provides water balance, acts as a shield against ultraviolet rays from the sun, keeps the body temperature in balance and most importantly ensures the continuation of vitality, is extremely important for human life. Dermatology, also known as dermatology, is a medical discipline that deals with skin diseases and their treatment. In this branch of science, all kinds of disorders of the skin, which is an extremely vital organ for the human body, are examined and treated. In addition to the skin, diagnosis and treatment of skin appendages (hair, nails, sweat glands), mucous membranes such as the mouth and sexually transmitted diseases are also performed.  Our dermatology physicians specialising in the general structure and functions of the skin, protection of skin integrity and health, allergic diseases of the skin, sexually transmitted diseases, infectious diseases, hair and nail diseases, neoplastic diseases, skin manifestations of some metabolic-systemic diseases provide health services to our patients.

While some of the skin disorders of patients applying to the dermatology outpatient clinic can be prevented in short periods of time with simple drug treatments, others require long-term treatments. The main diseases that our dermatology physicians, who work in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases from acne to skin cancers, are as follows:

Acne (acne)

Pruritus (itching)

Urticaria (Hives)

Skin diseases caused by parasites (lice, scabies, etc.)

Fungal diseases (nail, foot, hand, trunk, genital area, scalp etc.)

Eczema disorders (contact eczema, seborrhoeic eczema, atopic dermatitis, etc.)

Psoriasis, lichen and similar dermatitis

Hair diseases (dandruff, scalp eczema, genetic hair loss, etc.)

Behçet's disease

Bullous diseases

Benign and malignant tumours of the skin

Diseases occurring in connective tissue

Pigmentation disorders (sunspots, vitiligo, freckles, etc.)

Infectious/infectious rash diseases (scarlet fever, rubella, chicken pox, shingles, etc.)

Allergic skin diseases (insect stings, food allergies, drug allergies, etc.)

Sexually transmitted diseases (infectious diseases such as genital warts, herpes, syphilis)

Sun allergy

Hirsutism (excessive hair growth)

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Calluses and warts


Vascular skin diseases

Nail diseases

Diseases of the lips, tongue and mouth (aphthae, cold sores and other diseases of the mouth)

Skin diseases due to nutritional and metabolic disorders

Skin diseases due to psychological causes

Skin manifestations in systemic diseases

Skin diseases due to genetic causes

Disorders due to physical factors (reactions to heat or cold, foreign body reactions, etc.)

Some diagnosis and treatment methods applied in the field of dermatology:

Skin Biopsy: It is the process of taking a piece of various sizes from the suspected diseased area in order to confirm the diagnosis. The material taken in the procedure performed under local anaesthesia is sent to pathology for examination.

Cryotherapy: It is a freezing technique applied to treat skin lesions. It is used in the treatment of various skin disorders such as warts, skin cancers, calluses, sun spots, genital warts, molluscum contagiosum with -196 degree liquid nitrogen application.

Electrocauterisation: It is a method used to create tissue damage or stop bleeding in order to treat the lesion using electric current. It is used in the treatment of diseases such as moles, warts, sebaceous hyperplasia, pyogenic granuloma, seborrhoeic keratosis.

Dermatoscopy: With dermatoscopic examination, moles, non-pigmented lesions can be examined, as well as abnormal structures on the skin, parasites, skin tumours and disorders related to blood vessels can be observed in detail.

Body Mole Scan: Body mole mapping, which even healthy individuals should have regularly, plays a major role in early diagnosis against skin cancers.

Allergy Tests: Prick and Patch tests are performed to determine what the disease is against and how severe it is in individuals with suspected allergies.

Phototherapy: Phototherapy, known as light therapy, can be used in the treatment of itching of unknown cause, vitiligo, psoriasis.

Dermocosmetic procedures:

Botulinum toxin application: It is used in the treatment of wrinkles and sweating of the hands, soles of the feet and armpits.
PRP treatment
Chemical Peeling Applications: It covers the solution applied to the skin to remove unwanted spots on the skin, revitalise the skin, eliminate acne scars and improve the appearance.
Filling Applications
Mesotherapy Mesotherapy used in the treatment of many disorders such as skin cracks, cellulite problems, sun spots, hair loss; It is a method of injecting minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes into the skin individually or with different mixtures.



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